Ceative Ways to Make the Whole of December Magical
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Creative Ways to Make the Whole of December Magical


If you’re planning ahead and want to start early on making the whole of December magical, we’ve got you covered. Here’s some tips on how to keep the magic alive. 


Create your own advent calendar 

Kids love to count down the days towards something, and what’s more exciting than counting down the days to Christmas. A little gift each day of  books, sweets, little toys, all  building up to Christmas Eve, when you could present them with their very own personalised Christmas Eve box. Fill them with pyjamas, hot chocolate, sweets, your favourite Christmas Eve book, reindeer food, the choice is endless! 

Letters from Santa 


Our letters truly are a special part of Christmas. With 4 different designs, ranging from a traditional design to more modern and colourful, there’s something to suit every taste. Personalisation including names, likes and dislikes, family members and pets means each letter is completely unique, and makes each child feel as special as they truly are. 

We recommend that your child writes and posts their own letter to Santa first, then you can then tailor the letter back from Santa. And with a delivery date up to the 19th December you can really keep the magic going throughout the whole month of December. 


A Treasure Hunt throughout December 

Imagine their excitement as they hunt for that day’s Elf Experience. They can count down the number of sleeps until Christmas with a series of magical daily stories, activities, riddles and assignments… from none-other than Father Christmas himself!

From performing good deeds to learning languages to preparing top-secret recipes for reindeer food, each day’s stories and activities are designed to spread and inspire the true spirit of Christmas right up until December 25th. And then when the big day arrives, having completed all their tasks, the child will finally receive their beautiful personalised certificate to prove that they are once and for all… an official Honorary Elf of the North Pole!


Texts from Santa 

Just in case you’ve not got enough Christmas excitement in your house, you could keep the magic going by arranging for Santa to text you and your loved ones. Customised texts, sent on days you specify will keep those believers believing! Each theme can contain your child's name, age, the town Santa is visiting, a best friend’s or family members' name and so much more. 


Make Christmas easy this year by planning ahead and shopping for personalised gifts from Santa’s Post Office. With items dispatched within 24 hours there really is no Santa better